
Showing posts from 2017


Effective way of learning Mathematics.

The subject Mathematics has been one of the evils of students in Ghana. According to WAEC, less than 50% of student who sat for the WASSCE and BECE exams are not able to pass their Mathematics papers. I have gotten some guidelines that can help you pass Mathematics easily without hustle. Read ahead: Read over tomorrows Mathematics lessons today. Get a general idea about the new formula in advance, before the teacher covers them in class. Practice: Math teachers do not give you home work because they are nasty creatures. They do it because they know repetition is a very important aspect of learning. If you practice a new skill,  the connection between neurons (nerve cells) in your brain are strengthened. But if you don't practice them, the weak bonds are broken Use memory technique: Most people are capable of learning list of unrelated number or words, as long as they use the right technique. Such technique can be applied to the learning of formula as well. Study act

Tips to overcome laziness.

Laziness is a state of idleness an inner resistance to exerting effort and acting. It is a state of passivity and letting things stay as they are. Sometimes we enjoy being a little lazy, such as after working hard for several hours or on a very cold or warm day, but if this state occurs too often, something has to be done about it. 1. Break down a task to smaller task: We often avoid task because we find them too big, too overwhelming, too tiring or taking too much of our time. Breaking a task into several smaller task can solve this problem. Then each one will not seem so difficult or intimidating. 2. Rest, sleep and exercise: In some cases, laziness is due to being tired and lacking energy. If this is true in your case, you need to give your self the rest and sleep you need, and also give your body enough exercise and fresh air. 3. Motivation: In some cases, the reason for laziness is lack of motivation. You can strengthen your  motivation through affirmation, visuali

5 ways to achieve examination success.

I wonder why and how one can fail an exam while one has spent time to be in school , in fact it is abnormal to fail an exam. I have heard some people in Ghana relating exam failure to spiritualties but I see this as childish and DRAMATIC, oh yes a big drama in capital letters and I am going to prove it. 1. Be focused; A lot of people waste time reading their text books without learning any thing from it, yes some people do mere reading without taking not. To be able to take important notes and actually learn while reading, you should pay maximum attention to what you are reading an avoid all kinds of disturbances, it is natural for some people to learn even in noisy places but I recommend that you avoid disturbances while reading. 2.HAVE A POSSITIVE MINDSET. Indeed success does not come by a mere mindset but it forms part of your success, as a student you must you must always think of success but nothing else, you must look forward to getting the highest success, example; thi

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