
Tips to overcome laziness.

Laziness is a state of idleness an inner resistance to exerting effort and acting.

It is a state of passivity and letting things stay as they are. Sometimes we enjoy being a little lazy, such as after working hard for several hours or on a very cold or warm day, but if this state occurs too often, something has to be done about it.

1. Break down a task to smaller task: We often avoid task because we find them too big, too overwhelming, too tiring or taking too much of our time. Breaking a task into several smaller task can solve this problem. Then each one will not seem so difficult or intimidating.

2. Rest, sleep and exercise: In some cases, laziness is due to being tired and lacking energy. If this is true in your case, you need to give your self the rest and sleep you need, and also give your body enough exercise and fresh air.

3. Motivation: In some cases, the reason for laziness is lack of motivation. You can strengthen your  motivation through affirmation, visualization an thinking about the importance of performing your task or achieving your goal.

4. Have a vision of what and who you want to be: Frequently reflecting on the person we want to be, the goal we want to achieve, and the life we want to live, can motivate us to act.

5. Procrastination: Avoid procrastination, which is a form of laziness. If there is something you have to do, why not do it right now and get through with it? Why let it stay nagging at the back of your head?

6. Learn from successful people: Finally watch successful people, and how they not let laziness win. Learn from them, talk with them an associate with them.  


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