West Africa SHS took second position in 2018 NSMQ

The Adentan Based West Africa Senior High School was the only school in Greater Accra to reach the finals of the 2018 national science and Maths quiz; a competition organized by primetime productions with the aim of encouraging the study of science and maths in Ghana and also to provide a healthy academic competition among senior high schools in ghana. Represented by Akoh Sahene and Tade Abdul Hameed, West Africa SHS put up an impressive performance giving their opponents Adisadel college and the Kwahu based St Peter's SHS a very tough contest though it was their first time to reach the grand finale in this prestigious competition. At the beginning of the contest, Adisadel collage; the four times champions and the 2017 second runner-up of the competition was at a comfortable lead with 24 points at the end of round one leaving St Peter's and West Africa SHS 22 and 17 points respectively. The contest become more tougher and more interesting at the round 4 where the ...